Neuroformed Ltd works with the Crown Prosecution Service provide neuroscience consultancy services in the context of helping the lawyers, management and administrative teams better understand how to look after their brains and maximise their performance.
We created a series of content for live events with audiences of between 50 - 200, sharing neuroscience insights into how brains make decisions. This helps delegates to make better decisions themselves, but also, perhaps more importantly, to help others reach the right decision in cases where serious criminals are being held accountable for their crimes.
The CPS provides a vital service across all Crown Courts by ensuring the highest standards of jurisprudence are adhered to every step of the way.
We are delighted to be developing a new Learning & Development module on the impact of trauma on the brain to help them interact with victims of abuse while gathering evidence for the UK's highest profile cases.
We look forward to continuing to support the Crown Prosecution Service in other use cases for impactful continuous professional development that leverages the latest human neuroscience research.